The Importance of Care in Leadership by PCC, Newfield Asia Program Coach – Marc Smith Sacks

The Importance of Care in Leadership by PCC, Newfield Asia Program Coach – Marc Smith Sacks

There’s an old line about every journey, even the ones of thousands of miles, beginning with a single step. Leadership, as a concept, really isn’t any different. It all begins from a single place — but oftentimes, getting to that initial step can be hard for many leaders. Bob Dunham, the CEO and Founder of…

What Do You Really Get Paid To Do? By Terrie Lupberger

What Do You Really Get Paid To Do? By Terrie Lupberger

What do you get paid to do?  Don’t be too quick to answer this question.  Most everyone I ask this question of answers by describing some function that they carry out in their organization. You may have initially answered by saying that you develop strategy, make decisions, plan, set direction, sell, work in fundraising, do financial analysis…

What is Your Good Life?

What is Your Good Life?

It’s a deeply personal question and the answers are as unique as the person contemplating it. And yet, for many of us, the question is not one that we’ve engaged with very much. I was with a group of friends recently and our discussion turned to what we would do if we won a lottery…

The origin of the word Coach

The origin of the word Coach

The origin of the word “Coach” “Coach” can be traced back to the 1550s from the Middle French coche , the German kotsche, and the Hungarian kocsi (which literally translates “carriage of Kocs”, from the name of the village where carriages were made.) The meaning for a coach as an instructor or trainer first came…

How Emotional Agility Can Take Your Coaching To The Next Level – A Q&A session with Carol Courcy, MCC as featured in The Coaching World

How Emotional Agility Can Take Your Coaching To The Next Level – A Q&A session with Carol Courcy, MCC as featured in The Coaching World

Over 20 years ago, this quote inspired Carol Courcy, MCC, to study the ways in which people think and behave in different emotional states. She wondered if she could make it easier for her clients and herself to be in the “right emotion” more often. She discovered how different emotions redirect us to a more…

You Are Always Leading – Excerpt from Stop Controlling, Start Leading by Chris Balsley

You Are Always Leading – Excerpt from Stop Controlling, Start Leading by Chris Balsley

My awareness of leadership began when I was nineteen years old. I was a lost teenager, hanging out with a rough crowd, getting into trouble and barely graduating high school. It was the late Sixties and early Seventies in Boulder, Colorado, during a time of “make love not war,” hippie beads and fingers raised in…

Entitlement and Effectiveness: The Dance of the 21st Century. – by Marcus Marsden, PCC

Entitlement and Effectiveness: The Dance of the 21st Century. – by Marcus Marsden, PCC

Entitlement: “That to which I have a right” In recent years, this has become one of the most pervasive limiting assessments that I see when I am coaching. Although it is rarely spoken – people do not often go around saying:” I am entitled to do / not do that” – it is a very…