Are your practices creating the future you desire? – by Croft Edwards

Are your practices creating the future you desire? – by Croft Edwards

“We are shaped by practices and shape ourselves through practices.” Bob Dunham Are your practices creating a more powerful life for you? Or, are they creating more of the breakdowns limiting your life? I recently read a great blog by an associate and friend of mine, Jerry Holtaway, entitled “My morning disconnectionism“. Jerry breaks down how his practices…

The Secret To Creating New Possibilities – by Terrie Lupberger

The Secret To Creating New Possibilities – by Terrie Lupberger

Feeling stuck? Want the secret to more satisfaction, creativity and meaningful relationships in your life? It’s simple.  It’s very hard to do, but it’s simple. Here it is:  Judge less! We judge constantly and aren’t even aware of it most of the time.  ‘I don’t like that.’ ‘I do like this.’ ‘I agree with them. …

8 Non-Trivial Habits to Ignite Your Success By Angela Cusack, MCC, Newfield Asia Program Coach

8 Non-Trivial Habits to Ignite Your Success By Angela Cusack, MCC, Newfield Asia Program Coach

Sure, you’re doing well — but could you do better? Absolutely you could. We all can. There’s always a new summit to climb, a goal to set our sights on, a new adventure just ahead. We all want to be prepared for that next great opportunity, but what do we do and how do we…